At the end of July, the 2017 Emma Memorial Pond Party was celebrated at Canine Health resort. The annual gathering is held in memory of Connie’s dog Emma. The event started over 22 years ago as a summer birthday party for Emma and her dog friends and grew from there. Early on it became a casual fundraiser for Prevent Unwanted Pups, a local spay/neuter assistance program.

Connie stands by in her waders, ready to lend a hand.

"Nobody said you couldn't drink the water."
Connie invites her friends, some local dog clubs, vet clinics and a few departments at CSU. They are encouraged to bring their well-behaved dogs and friends who have well-behaved dogs that enjoy this activity. This year was only the second time they’ve ever had rain; last year was the first. But the dogs waited out the storm that came through and everyone had a great time when the sun came out.

Residents and friends enjoy the annual Pond Party at the Canine Health Resort.

Spree kindly asks for her ball to be thrown.